November 29, 2019

Breathtaking Memories

Narciso Ornelas

Live Version

Live Version

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Similar to this new project was a simple one, the difference is that this one comes with 2 languages.

The main color of the website was chosen by the customer, he went with a emerald turquoise.

On the first page, similar to opotours, i went with a full page vídeo. The newcomer can already see what kind of services can be provided such as the quality of them. There’s also buttons for the several social media used by breathtaking memories.

The about us as a picture of the owner of the business such as a description of him and what is the business all about. There’s also buttons that provide ways of contacting him.

For the portfolio page i’ve decided to create image previews of the vídeos to make the page load as fast as possible. After the user clicks the image a lightbox loads the vídeo.

The contact page is a simple contact page. I’ve also placed a sketch i've created in figma below.

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